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00001 // 
00002 // DISCLAIMER: 
00003 //  This software was produced by the National Institute of Standards 
00004 //  and Technology (NIST), an agency of the U.S. government, and by statute is 
00005 //  not subject to copyright in the United States.  Recipients of this 
00006 //  software assume all responsibility associated with its operation,
00007 //  modification,maintenance, and subsequent redistribution. 
00008 //
00009 //  See NIST Administration Manual 4.09.07 b and Appendix I. 
00011 /* world.h
00013   This is a semi-dummy file. It defines data members and methods for
00014   a world modeler that keeps track of the state of a system executing
00015   I++ DME Interface functions. Main in calls some of the world's
00016   methods.
00018 */
00020 #ifndef WORLD_HH
00021 #define WORLD_HH
00023 #include "ippdme/ippToolChanger.h"
00024 #include "ippdme/Command/ippCommand.h"
00025 #include "ippdme/Command/ippOnScanReportCommand.h"
00026 #include "ippdme/Command/ippOnPtMeasReportCommand.h"
00027 #include "ippdme/ippCsyTransform.h"
00028 #include "ippdme/ippCoordSysType.h"
00029 #include "ippdme/Property/ippOnePropertyAlignment.h"
00030 #include "ippdme/ippMachineClassType.h"
00031 #include "ippdme/ippDaemon.h"
00034 class ippAlignToolCommand;
00035 class ippAlignToolCommand;
00036 class ippChangeToolCommand;
00037 class ippLockAxisCommand;
00038 class ippOnMoveReportECommand;
00039 class ippOnPtMeasReportCommand;
00040 class ippOnScanReportCommand;
00041 class ippPtMeasCommand;
00042 class ippScanInCylEndIsPlaneCommand;
00043 class ippScanInCylEndIsSphereCommand;
00044 class ippScanInPlaneEndIsCylCommand;
00045 class ippScanInPlaneEndIsPlaneCommand;
00046 class ippScanInPlaneEndIsSphereCommand;
00047 class ippScanOnCircleCommand;
00048 class ippScanOnLineCommand;
00049 class ippSetCoordSystemCommand;
00050 class ippSetCsyTransformationCommand;
00051 class ippSetPropCommand;
00052 class ippOnePropertyAlignment;
00067 /* goness
00069 It may be desirable to have more (add "unready" which would be the
00070 setting when the system starts up) or fewer (combine "erred" and
00071 "aborted", in which case a boolean would do) choices for goness.
00073 */
00075 typedef enum goness {ready, moving, erred, aborted};
00079 /*******************************************************************/
00081 /* world
00083 The onMoveTagNumber is:
00084 1. 0 at the beginning of a session
00085 2. 0 if StopAllDaemons has been executed since the last OnMoveReportE
00086    command was executed.
00087 3. 0 if StopDaemons has been executed using the tag of the last
00088    OnMoveReportE command that was executed.
00089 4. 0 if the last OnMoveReportE command that was executed had no
00090    arguments.
00091 5. The tag number of the last OnMoveReportE command with arguments
00092    that was executed successfully, otherwise.
00094 The onScanTagNumber follows similar rules with regard to the last
00095 OnScanReport command.
00097 */
00099 class IPPDME_EXT_CLASS world
00100 {
00101 private:
00103   ippCoordSysType _Csy; /* current Csy */
00104   ippCsyTransform _csyJogDisplay;
00105   ippCsyTransform _csyJogMove;
00106   ippCsyTransform _csyMoveable;
00107   ippCsyTransform _csyMultiple;
00108   ippCsyTransform _csyPart;
00109   ippCsyTransform _csySensor;
00111   double _currentR;    
00113   double _currentX;    
00114   double _currentY;    
00115   double _currentZ;    
00117   double _currentQ ;   
00118   int    _IJKAct;
00119   double _currentContactI;
00120   double _currentContactJ;
00121   double _currentContactK;
00123   double _homeX;       
00124   double _homeY;       
00125   double _homeZ;       
00126   bool _isHomed;       
00127   double _limitLowerX; 
00128   double _limitLowerY; 
00129   double _limitLowerZ; 
00130   double _limitUpperX; 
00131   double _limitUpperY; 
00132   double _limitUpperZ; 
00133   bool _lockedC;       
00134   bool _lockedPhi;     
00135   bool _lockedR;       
00136   bool _lockedX;       
00137   bool _lockedY;       
00138   bool _lockedZ;       
00139   ippMachineClassType _machineClass; 
00140   double _measuredX1;  
00141   double _measuredY1;  
00142   double _measuredZ1;  
00143   double _measuredX2;  
00144   double _measuredY2;  
00145   double _measuredZ2;  
00146   double _measuredX3;  
00147   double _measuredY3;  
00148   double _measuredZ3;  
00150   std::map<int,ippDaemonConstPtr> _daemons;
00151   ippOnScanReportCommandPtr _OnScanReportCmd;
00152   ippOnPtMeasReportCommandPtr _OnPtMeasReportCmd;
00155   bool _outOfRangeFlag;
00156   unsigned int _pointTag; /* tag of PtMeas or Scan for measured X, Y, Z */
00157   goness _readiness;
00158   ippToolChangerPtr _toolCollection;
00159   bool _userEnabled;
00161   void updateAlignTool(const ippAlignToolCommand * theAlignTool);
00162   void updateChangeTool(const ippChangeToolCommand * theChangeTool);
00163   void updateEndSession();
00164   void updateHome();
00165   void updateLockAxis(const ippLockAxisCommand * theLockAxis);
00166   void updateOnMoveReportE(const ippOnMoveReportECommand * theOnMove);
00167   void updateOnPtMeasReport(const ippOnPtMeasReportCommand * theOnPtMeas);
00168   void updateOnScanReport(const ippOnScanReportCommand * theOnScan);
00169   void updatePtMeas(const ippPtMeasCommand * thePtMeas);
00170   void updateScanInCylEndIsPlane(const ippScanInCylEndIsPlaneCommand * theScan);
00171   void updateScanInCylEndIsSphere(const ippScanInCylEndIsSphereCommand * theScan);
00172   void updateScanInPlaneEndIsCyl(const ippScanInPlaneEndIsCylCommand * theScan);
00173   void updateScanInPlaneEndIsPlane(const ippScanInPlaneEndIsPlaneCommand * theScan);
00174   void updateScanInPlaneEndIsSphere(const ippScanInPlaneEndIsSphereCommand * theScan);
00175   void updateScanOnCircle(const ippScanOnCircleCommand * theScan);
00176   void updateScanOnLine(const ippScanOnLineCommand * theScan);
00177   void updateSetCoordSystem(const ippSetCoordSystemCommand * theSet);
00178   void updateSetCsyTransformation(const ippSetCsyTransformationCommand * theSet);
00179   void updateSetProp(const ippSetPropCommand * theSet);
00180   void updateStartSession();
00181 public:
00182   world();
00183   virtual ~world();
00185   void setMachineClass(ippMachineClassType type ){ _machineClass = type; }
00187   void setIsHomed(bool inIsHomed) { _isHomed = inIsHomed; }
00188   void setReadiness(goness inReadiness){ _readiness = inReadiness; }
00190   ippOnePropertyAlignmentPtr getCurrentAlignment() ;
00191   ippCoordSysType   getCurrentCsy() const        { return _Csy;               }
00192   double         getCurrentR()const              { return _currentR;          }
00193   double         getCurrentToolA()const          { return _toolCollection->getActiveTool()->getAngleA();}
00194   double         getCurrentToolB()const          { return _toolCollection->getActiveTool()->getAngleB();}
00195   double         getCurrentToolC()const          { return _toolCollection->getActiveTool()->getAngleC();}
00196   double         getProbeRadius()const           { return _toolCollection->getActiveTool()->getRadius(); }
00197   double         getCurrentX() const             { return _currentX;          }
00198   double         getCurrentY() const             { return _currentY;          }
00199   double         getCurrentZ() const             { return _currentZ;          }
00200   double         getCurrentQ() const             { return _currentQ;  }
00201   int            getIJKAct() const               { return _IJKAct;  }
00202   bool           getIsHomed() const              { return _isHomed;           }
00203   double         getLimitLowerX() const          { return _limitLowerX;       }
00204   double         getLimitLowerY()const           { return _limitLowerY;       }
00205   double         getLimitLowerZ()const           { return _limitLowerZ;       }
00206   double         getLimitUpperX()const           { return _limitUpperX;       }
00207   double         getLimitUpperY()const           { return _limitUpperY;       }
00208   double         getLimitUpperZ()const           { return _limitUpperZ;       }
00209   ippCsyTransform * getJogDisplayCsyTransform()  { return &_csyJogDisplay;    }
00210   ippCsyTransform * getJogMoveCsyTransform()     { return &_csyJogMove;       }
00211   ippMachineClassType    getMachineClass() const   { return _machineClass;      }
00212   double         getMeasuredX1()const            { return _measuredX1;        }
00213   double         getMeasuredY1()const            { return _measuredY1;        }
00214   double         getMeasuredZ1()const            { return _measuredZ1;        }
00215   double         getMeasuredX2()const            { return _measuredX2;        }
00216   double         getMeasuredY2()const            { return _measuredY2;        }
00217   double         getMeasuredZ2()const            { return _measuredZ2;        }
00218   double         getMeasuredX3()const            { return _measuredX3;        }
00219   double         getMeasuredY3()const            { return _measuredY3;        }
00220   double         getMeasuredZ3()const            { return _measuredZ3;        }
00221   ippCsyTransform * getMoveableCsyTransform()    { return &_csyMoveable;      }
00222   ippCsyTransform * getMultipleCsyTransform()    { return &_csyMultiple;      }
00225   ippOnScanReportCommandConstPtr getOnScanReportCommand() const;
00226   ippOnPtMeasReportCommandConstPtr getOnPtMeasReportCommand() const;
00229   bool           getOutOfRangeFlag()const        { return _outOfRangeFlag;    }
00230   ippCsyTransform * getPartCsyTransform()        { return &_csyPart;          }
00231   goness         getReadiness()const             { return _readiness;         }
00232   ippCsyTransform * getSensorCsyTransform()      { return &_csySensor;        }
00233   ippToolChangerPtr  getTools()                  { return _toolCollection;   }
00234   bool           getUserEnabled()const           { return _userEnabled;       }
00237   // returns true if the x,y,z point is in the working volume of the cmm
00238   bool inWorkVolume(double x, double y, double z) const;
00240   // ---- daemons commands
00241   void stopAllDaemons();
00242   bool daemonExists(int tag) const;
00243   int  daemonCount() const;
00244   void addDaemon(const ippOnMoveReportECommand *);
00245   void stopDaemon(int tag);
00246   ippDaemonConstPtr getDaemon() const;
00249   void putCurrentXYZ(double x, double y, double z)
00250     {
00251       _currentX = x;
00252       _currentY = y;
00253       _currentZ = z;
00254     }
00256   void putCurrentContactIJK(double i, double j, double k)
00257     {
00258       _currentContactI = i;
00259       _currentContactJ = j;
00260       _currentContactK = k;
00261     }
00262   void putCurrentQ(double quality_factor);
00264   void setMeasuredX1(double inX1){ _measuredX1 = inX1; }
00265   void setMeasuredY1(double inY1){ _measuredY1 = inY1; }
00266   void setMeasuredZ1(double inZ1){ _measuredZ1 = inZ1; }
00267   void setMeasuredX2(double inX2){ _measuredX2 = inX2; }
00268   void setMeasuredY2(double inY2){ _measuredY2 = inY2; }
00269   void setMeasuredZ2(double inZ2){ _measuredZ2 = inZ2; }
00270   void setMeasuredX3(double inX3){ _measuredX3 = inX3; }
00271   void setMeasuredY3(double inY3){ _measuredY3 = inY3; }
00272   void setMeasuredZ3(double inZ3){ _measuredZ3 = inZ3; }  
00273   void update(ippCommandConstPtr aCommand);
00275 };
00277 #endif /* #ifndef WORLD_HH */

Generated on Wed Nov 8 00:20:00 2006 for IPPDME by  doxygen 1.4.1