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ippSetCoordSystemCommand Member List

This is the complete list of members for ippSetCoordSystemCommand, including all inherited members.

_tagippCommand [protected]
getCommandName() const ippCommand
getCommandString() const ippSetCoordSystemCommand [virtual]
getCsyType() const ippSetCoordSystemCommand
getTag() const ippCommand
ippCommand(unsigned int inTagNumber, ippCommandNameType inCommandName)ippCommand
ippCommand(unsigned int inTagNumber, tagIdType inTagType, ippCommandNameType inCommandName)ippCommand
ippSetCoordSystemCommand(unsigned int tgNum, ippCoordSysType inCoordSys)ippSetCoordSystemCommand
printLikeGet(ippStringBuilder &builder, bool R, bool X, bool Y, bool Z, bool A, bool B, bool C) const ippCommand [protected]
setCommandName(ippCommandNameType inCommandName)ippCommand
setCsyType(ippCoordSysType cst)ippSetCoordSystemCommand
~ippCommand()ippCommand [virtual]
~ippObject()ippObject [virtual]
~ippSetCoordSystemCommand()ippSetCoordSystemCommand [virtual]

Generated on Wed Nov 8 00:21:06 2006 for IPPDME by  doxygen 1.4.1