+- iplusplus | +->doc | +->bin ( where the binarys and dll goes ) | +->source | +->ippdme.dev | | | | | +-> ippdme ( public headers) | | | +-> source ( implementation ) | | | +-> utest | | | | | +->ippdmeutest.dev | | | | | +----------> source ( source file for the unit test ) | | | +-> boost ( local copy of the boost smartpointer classes ) | +-> ippdmeWrp.dev ( a C++ managed project used to expose the ippdme library to .NET application ) | | | +-> source | +-> ippServer.dev | | | +-> source ( implementation ) | +-> ippCommandChecker.dev | | | +-> source ( implementation ) | +-> ippParserCmd.dev | | | +-> source ( implementation ) | +-> ippParserRe.dev | | | +-> source ( implementation ) | +-> ippClient.dev | | | +-> source ( implementation ) | +-> ippSmartClient.dev ( a I++ testing tool writing as a C++ managed code application ) | | | +-> source ( implementation ) | +-> cxxtest ( unit test framework ) |
Class relations expressed via an inline dot graph: