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Why does this project exist ?

the IPP++ DME test suite is a N.I.S.T initiative. Although N.I.S.T has initiated this project, it was important to offer this project to the community as an open-source project. A number of developers from N.I.S.T are working on this project, but any I++ dme implementor is welcome to participate too.
This project is intended to provide a testing suite for the I++ implementer, and for people in charge of the I++ conformance and compliance test between system. The source code provided here can also be used by I++ commercial implementation if necessary. We believe that a join effort between all I++ implementers will help establishing I++ as a robust and recognised standard in the industry.
Currently the work on the I++ testing suite is coordinated by NIST. You can contact:

The source is provide under the N.I.S.T License which means that it is not subject to copyright in the US.

Getting the latest version

Using TortoiseSVN you can get a copy of the latest development sources from :
You can get a copy of older version of this project by browsing here
You might want to visit also the metrology interoperability website at NIST to access the former pages of this project.

the specification documents

The specification documents produced by the I++ comminity can be downloaded from sourceforge or alternatively from NIST.

Source code repository

The source code of the i++ dme test suite is store in an SVN repository. All read access to the repository can be done anonymously , however you will need to register a get a password if you want to contribute.

What tool do I need to access the Source repository ?

The Source Repository is stored in a Subversion Database , and we recommend that you use TortoiseSVN as a tool to browse the code, and submit changes.

What compiler should I use to compile the code ?

Who should use this project

Participating in the community

Who should contribute ?

How to contribute ?

If you are a I++ dme implementer or developer, you can join this project and contribute.

Bug Tracking and Task list

Bug issues and task list as well have work force coordination takes place in , please read the projects task to get a feeling of the work being undertaken .


There is a set of simple rules that developer have to follow to allow a smooth development in a concurrent and distributed environment.

Generated on Wed Nov 8 00:21:26 2006 for IPPDME by  doxygen 1.4.1