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00001 // 
00002 // DISCLAIMER: 
00003 //  This software was produced by the National Institute of Standards 
00004 //  and Technology (NIST), an agency of the U.S. government, and by statute is 
00005 //  not subject to copyright in the United States.  Recipients of this 
00006 //  software assume all responsibility associated with its operation,
00007 //  modification,maintenance, and subsequent redistribution. 
00008 //
00009 //  See NIST Administration Manual 4.09.07 b and Appendix I. 
00010 //
00015 #pragma once
00016 #include "ippdme/ippdme.h"
00018 // note : under windows GetProp is usually already define
00019 #ifdef GetProp 
00020 #undef GetProp
00021 #undef SetProp
00022 #endif
00023 #define IPP_CONCAT(a,b) a##b
00027 #define COMMAND_ENUMERATION                                   \
00028   ENUM(  AbortE                   ,"AbortE"                 ) \
00029   ENUM(  AlignPart                ,"AlignPart"              ) \
00030   ENUM(  AlignTool                ,"AlignTool"              ) \
00031   ENUM(  CenterPart               ,"CenterPart"             ) \
00032   ENUM(  ChangeTool               ,"ChangeTool"             ) \
00033   ENUM(  ClearAllErrors           ,"ClearAllErrors"         ) \
00034   ENUM(  DisableUser              ,"DisableUser"            ) \
00035   ENUM(  EnableUser               ,"EnableUser"             ) \
00036   ENUM(  EndSession               ,"EndSession"             ) \
00037   ENUM(  EnumAllProp              ,"EnumAllProp"            ) \
00038   ENUM(  EnumProp                 ,"EnumProp"               ) \
00039   ENUM(  EnumTools                ,"EnumTools"              ) \
00040   ENUM(  FindTool                 ,"FindTool"               ) \
00041   ENUM(  Get                      ,"Get"                    ) \
00042   ENUM(  GetChangeToolAction      ,"GetChangeToolAction"    ) \
00043   ENUM(  GetCoordSystem           ,"GetCoordSystem"         ) \
00044   ENUM(  GetCsyTransformation     ,"GetCsyTransformation"   ) \
00045   ENUM(  GetDMEVersion            ,"GetDMEVersion"          ) \
00046   ENUM(  GetErrorInfo             ,"GetErrorInfo"           ) \
00047   ENUM(  GetErrStatusE            ,"GetErrStatusE"          ) \
00048   ENUM(  GetMachineClass          ,"GetMachineClass"        ) \
00049   ENUM(  GetProp                  ,"GetProp"                ) \
00050   ENUM(  GetPropE                 ,"GetPropE"               ) \
00051   ENUM(  GetXtdErrStatus          ,"GetXtdErrStatus"        ) \
00052   ENUM(  GoTo                     ,"GoTo"                   ) \
00053   ENUM(  Home                     ,"Home"                   ) \
00054   ENUM(  IsHomed                  ,"IsHomed"                ) \
00055   ENUM(  IsUserEnabled            ,"IsUserEnabled"          ) \
00056   ENUM(  LockAxis                 ,"LockAxis"               ) \
00057   ENUM(  OnMoveReportE            ,"OnMoveReportE"          ) \
00058   ENUM(  OnPtMeasReport           ,"OnPtMeasReport"         ) \
00059   ENUM(  OnScanReport             ,"OnScanReport"           ) \
00060   ENUM(  PtMeas                   ,"PtMeas"                 ) \
00061   ENUM(  ReQualify                ,"ReQualify"              ) \
00062   ENUM(  ScanInCylEndIsPlane      ,"ScanInCylEndIsPlane"    ) \
00063   ENUM(  ScanInCylEndIsSphere     ,"ScanInCylEndIsSphere"   ) \
00064   ENUM(  ScanInPlaneEndIsCyl      ,"ScanInPlaneEndIsCyl"    ) \
00065   ENUM(  ScanInPlaneEndIsPlane    ,"ScanInPlaneEndIsPlane"  ) \
00066   ENUM(  ScanInPlaneEndIsSphere   ,"ScanInPlaneEndIsSphere" ) \
00067   ENUM(  ScanOnCircle             ,"ScanOnCircle"           ) \
00068   ENUM(  ScanOnCircleHint         ,"ScanOnCircleHint"       ) \
00069   ENUM(  ScanOnLine               ,"ScanOnLine"             ) \
00070   ENUM(  ScanOnLineHint           ,"ScanOnLineHint"         ) \
00071   ENUM(  ScanUnknownHint          ,"ScanUnknownHint"        ) \
00072   ENUM(  ScanUnknownDensity       ,"ScanUnknownDensity"     ) \
00073   ENUM(  SetCoordSystem           ,"SetCoordSystem"         ) \
00074   ENUM(  SetCsyTransformation     ,"SetCsyTransformation"   ) \
00075   ENUM(  SetProp                  ,"SetProp"                ) \
00076   ENUM(  SetTool                  ,"SetTool"                ) \
00077   ENUM(  StartSession             ,"StartSession"           ) \
00078   ENUM(  StopAllDaemons           ,"StopAllDaemons"         ) \
00079   ENUM(  StopDaemon               ,"StopDaemon"             ) \
00080   ENUM(  TiltCenterPart           ,"TiltCenterPart"         ) \
00081   ENUM(  TiltPart                 ,"TiltPart"               ) \
00082   ENUM(  EnumToolCollection       ,"EnumToolCollection"     ) \
00083   ENUM(  EnumAllToolCollections   ,"EnumAllToolCollections" ) \
00084   ENUM(  OpenToolCollection       ,"OpenToolCollection"     ) \
00085   ENUM(  SaveActiveCoordSystem    ,"SaveActiveCoordSystem"      ) \
00086   ENUM(  LoadCoordSystem          ,"LoadCoordSystem"            ) \
00087   ENUM(  DeleteCoordSystem        ,"DeleteCoordSystem"          ) \
00088   ENUM(  EnumCoordSystems         ,"EnumCoordSystems"           ) \
00089   ENUM(  GetNamedCsyTransformation ,"GetNamedCsyTransformation"  ) \
00090   ENUM(  SaveNamedCsyTransformation,"SaveNamedCsyTransformation" ) \
00091   ENUM(  ScanOnCurveDensity        ,"ScanOnCurveDensity" )\
00092   ENUM(  ScanOnCurve               ,"ScanOnCurve" )\
00093   ENUM(  ScanOnCurveHint           ,"ScanOnCurveHint" )\
00094   ENUM(  ScanOnHelix               ,"ScanOnHelix" )\
00095   ENUM(  PtMeasSelfCenter          ,"PtMeasSelfCenter" )\
00096   ENUM(  PtMeasSelfCenterLocked    ,"PtMeasSelfCenterLocked" )\
00099 namespace ipp 
00100 {
00101   typedef enum ippCommandNameType {
00103     ippCommandNameType_INVALID = (unsigned)-1,
00105     AbortE                   =0,
00106     AlignPart                ,
00107     AlignTool                ,
00108     CenterPart               ,
00109     ChangeTool               ,
00110     ClearAllErrors           ,
00111     DisableUser              ,
00112     EnableUser               ,
00113     EndSession               ,
00114     EnumAllProp              ,
00115     EnumProp                 ,
00116     EnumTools                ,
00117     FindTool                 ,
00118     Get                      ,
00119     GetChangeToolAction      ,
00120     GetCoordSystem           ,
00121     GetCsyTransformation     ,
00122     GetDMEVersion            ,
00123     GetErrorInfo             ,
00124     GetErrStatusE            ,
00125     GetMachineClass          ,
00126     GetProp                  ,
00127     GetPropE                 ,
00128     GetXtdErrStatus          ,
00129     GoTo                     ,
00130     Home                     ,
00131     IsHomed                  ,
00132     IsUserEnabled            ,
00133     LockAxis                 ,
00134     OnMoveReportE            ,
00135     OnPtMeasReport           ,
00136     OnScanReport             ,
00137     PtMeas                   ,
00138     ReQualify                ,
00139     ScanInCylEndIsPlane      ,
00140     ScanInCylEndIsSphere     ,
00141     ScanInPlaneEndIsCyl      ,
00142     ScanInPlaneEndIsPlane    ,
00143     ScanInPlaneEndIsSphere   ,
00144     ScanOnCircle             ,
00145     ScanOnCircleHint         ,
00146     ScanOnLine               ,
00147     ScanOnLineHint           ,
00148     ScanUnknownHint          ,
00149     SetCoordSystem           ,
00150     SetCsyTransformation     ,
00151     SetProp                  ,
00152     SetTool                  ,
00153     StartSession             ,
00154     StopAllDaemons           ,
00155     StopDaemon               ,
00156     TiltCenterPart           ,
00157     TiltPart                 ,
00159     EnumToolCollection        , 
00160     EnumAllToolCollections    ,
00161     OpenToolCollection        ,
00162     SaveActiveCoordSystem     ,
00163     LoadCoordSystem           ,
00164     DeleteCoordSystem         ,
00165     EnumCoordSystems          ,
00166     GetNamedCsyTransformation ,
00167     SaveNamedCsyTransformation,
00168     ScanOnCurveDensity        , 
00169     ScanUnknownDensity        ,
00170     ScanOnCurveHint           ,
00171     ScanOnCurve               ,
00172     ScanOnHelix               ,
00173     PtMeasSelfCenter          ,
00174     PtMeasSelfCenterLocked    ,
00176     ippCOMMANDNAMETYPE_MAXIMUM // the last valid item 
00177   };
00179 }
00181 using namespace ipp;
00183 IPPDME_EXT_FUNC const char* getCommandNameString(ippCommandNameType key);

Generated on Wed Nov 8 00:19:57 2006 for IPPDME by  doxygen 1.4.1