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00001 #include "ippResponseTestCase.h"
00003 #include "ippdme/Misc/ippStringBuilder.h"
00004 #include "ippdme/Response/ippAckResponse.h"
00005 #include "ippdme/Response/ippCenterPartResponse.h"
00006 #include "ippdme/Response/ippAlignResponse.h"
00007 #include "ippdme/Response/ippChangeToolEResponse.h"
00008 #include "ippdme/Response/ippEnumPropResponse.h"
00009 #include "ippdme/Response/ippErrorResponse.h"
00010 #include "ippdme/Response/ippGetChangeToolActionResponse.h"
00011 #include "ippdme/Response/ippGetCoordSystemResponse.h"
00012 #include "ippdme/Response/ippGetCsyTransformationResponse.h"
00013 #include "ippdme/Response/ippGetDMEVersionResponse.h"
00014 #include "ippdme/Response/ippGetErrStatusEResponse.h"
00015 #include "ippdme/Response/ippGetMachineClassResponse.h"
00016 #include "ippdme/Response/ippGetPropResponse.h"
00017 #include "ippdme/Response/ippGoToEResponse.h"
00018 #include "ippdme/Response/ippIsHomedResponse.h"
00019 #include "ippdme/Response/ippIsUserEnabledResponse.h"
00020 #include "ippdme/Response/ippKeyPressEResponse.h"
00021 #include "ippdme/Response/ippOnMoveReportEResponse.h"
00022 #include "ippdme/Response/ippPtMeasEResponse.h"
00023 #include "ippdme/Response/ippPtMeasOrGetResponse.h"
00024 #include "ippdme/Response/ippScanResponse.h"
00025 #include "ippdme/Response/ippSetPropEResponse.h"
00026 #include "ippdme/Response/ippStringResponse.h"
00027 #include "ippdme/Response/ippTiltCenterPartResponse.h"
00028 #include "ippdme/Response/ippTiltPartResponse.h"
00030 #include "ippdme/Property/ippOnePropertyNumber.h"
00032 #include "ippdme/Parser/ippResponseParser.h"
00034 #include "ippMemoryLeakDetector.h"
00041 void recheck_with_parser(ippResponse& r,bool bParsingShouldFail = false)
00042 {
00043   ippMemoryLeakDetector _leakDetector;
00044   ippResponseParser parser;
00045   std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00046   parser.setInput(t.c_str());
00048   ippResponsePtr r_check= parser.parseResponse();
00049   if (bParsingShouldFail) {
00050     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT(!r_check);
00051     if(r_check) {
00052       std::cout << " parsing should have failed : " << std::endl << t << std::endl;
00053       std::cout << parser.getErrorMessageString() <<std::endl;
00054     }
00055     return ;  
00056   }
00057   if (r_check) {
00058     std::string t_check = r_check->getResponseString();
00059     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,t_check);
00060   } else {
00061     // parsing has failed why ?
00062     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_M(std::string(" failing parsing \n")+t  ,r_check);
00063     std::cout << " failing parsing " << std::endl << t << std::endl;
00064     std::cout << parser.getErrorMessageString() <<std::endl;
00065   }
00067 }
00069 void ippResponseTestCase::testAckResponse()
00070 {
00071   ippMemoryLeakDetector _leakDetector;
00072   {
00073     ippAckResponse r(100, CommandTag);
00074     std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00076     recheck_with_parser(r);
00077   }
00078   {
00079     ippAckResponse r(100, EventTag);
00080     std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00082     recheck_with_parser(r);
00084   }
00086 }
00088 void ippResponseTestCase::testAlignResponse()
00089 {
00090   ippMemoryLeakDetector _leakDetector;
00091   {
00092     ippAlignResponse r(65,10.,20.,40.,11.,21.,41.);
00093     std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00094     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,"00065 # (10., 20., 40., 11., 21., 41.)"IPP_END_STRING);
00095     recheck_with_parser(r);
00096   }
00097   {
00098     ippAlignResponse r(65,10.,20.,40.);
00099     std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00100     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,"00065 # (10., 20., 40.)"IPP_END_STRING);
00101     recheck_with_parser(r);
00103   }
00105 }
00106 void ippResponseTestCase::testCenterPartResponse()
00107 {
00108   ippMemoryLeakDetector _leakDetector;
00109   {
00110     ippCenterPartResponse r(65,true);
00111     std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00112     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,"00065 # CenterPart(1)"IPP_END_STRING);
00113     recheck_with_parser(r);
00114   }
00115   {
00116     ippCenterPartResponse r(65,false);
00117     std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00118     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,"00065 # CenterPart(0)"IPP_END_STRING);
00119     recheck_with_parser(r);
00120   }
00122 }
00123 #define QUOTE(a) "\""a"\""
00125 void ippResponseTestCase::testChangeToolEResponse()
00126 {
00127   ippMemoryLeakDetector _leakDetector;
00128   {
00129     ippChangeToolEResponse r("MyTool");
00130     std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00132     const std::string expected_String="E0000 # ChangeTool(\"MyTool\")"IPP_END_STRING;
00134     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,expected_String);
00135     recheck_with_parser(r);
00136   }
00137   {
00138     ippChangeToolEResponse r;
00139     std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00140     const std::string expected_String="E0000 # ChangeTool(\"\")"IPP_END_STRING;
00141     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,expected_String);
00142     recheck_with_parser(r);
00143   }
00145 }
00148 void ippResponseTestCase::testEnumPropResponse()
00149 {
00150   ippMemoryLeakDetector _leakDetector;
00151   {
00152     ippEnumPropResponse r(1234,"SomeProp","SomeValue");
00153     std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00154     const std::string expected_String="01234 # \"SomeProp\", \"SomeValue\""IPP_END_STRING;
00155     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,expected_String);
00156     recheck_with_parser(r);
00157   }
00158 }
00159 void ippResponseTestCase::testErrorResponse()
00160 {
00161   // Note according to the I++ standard the 3 argument should be a keyword
00162   // not a string, but this is only valid for errors that are
00163   // also the I++ standard only "recommend" to use a keyword, why not imposed ?
00164   // can it be a string as well ?
00165   // the NIST test suite up to version 3.0 was producing a string here.
00166   ippMemoryLeakDetector _leakDetector;
00167   {
00168     ippErrorResponse r(25,CommandTag,ProtocolError,"reason");
00169     std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00170     const std::string expected_String="00025 ! Error(3, 0008, \"reason\", \"Protocol error\")"IPP_END_STRING;
00171     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,expected_String);
00172     recheck_with_parser(r);
00173   }
00174   // check that ippErrorResponse remove unwanted char in error description
00175   {
00176     ippErrorResponse r(25,CommandTag,ProtocolError,"\t\"\"");
00177     std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00178     const std::string expected_String="00025 ! Error(3, 0008, \"?##\", \"Protocol error\")"IPP_END_STRING;
00179     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,expected_String);
00180     recheck_with_parser(r);
00181   }
00182   // check that ippErrorResponse remove unwanted char in error description
00183   {
00184     ippErrorResponse r(54,CommandTag,UseClearAllErrorsToCont,"Get");
00185     std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00186     const std::string expected_String="00054 ! Error(2, 0514, \"Get\", \"Use ClearAllErrors to continue\")"IPP_END_STRING;
00187     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,expected_String);
00188     recheck_with_parser(r);
00189   }
00190 }
00192 void ippResponseTestCase::testGetChangeToolActionResponse()
00193 {
00194   ippMemoryLeakDetector _leakDetector;
00196   ippGetChangeToolActionResponse r(25,MoveAuto,10.,20.,30.);
00197   std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00198   IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,"00025 # ChangeToolAction(MoveAuto, X(10.), Y(20.), Z(30.))"IPP_END_STRING);
00199     recheck_with_parser(r);
00200 }
00202 void ippResponseTestCase::testGetCoordSystemResponse()
00203 {
00204   ippMemoryLeakDetector _leakDetector;
00206   {
00207     ippGetCoordSystemResponse r(25,MachineCsy);
00208     std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00209     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,"00025 # CoordSystem(MachineCsy)"IPP_END_STRING);
00210     recheck_with_parser(r);
00211   }
00212   {
00213     ippGetCoordSystemResponse r(25,MoveableMachineCsy);
00214     std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00215     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,"00025 # CoordSystem(MoveableMachineCsy)"IPP_END_STRING);
00216     recheck_with_parser(r);
00217   }
00218   {
00219     ippGetCoordSystemResponse r(25,MultipleArmCsy);
00220     std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00221     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,"00025 # CoordSystem(MultipleArmCsy)"IPP_END_STRING);
00222     recheck_with_parser(r);
00223   }
00224   {
00225     ippGetCoordSystemResponse r(25,PartCsy);
00226     std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00227     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,"00025 # CoordSystem(PartCsy)"IPP_END_STRING);
00228     recheck_with_parser(r);
00229   }
00231   {
00232     ippGetCoordSystemResponse r(25,JogDisplayCsy);
00233     std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00234     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,"00025 # CoordSystem(JogDisplayCsy)"IPP_END_STRING);
00235     recheck_with_parser(r, /*should_fail =*/true);
00236   }
00237   {
00238     ippGetCoordSystemResponse r(25,JogMoveCsy);
00239     std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00240     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,"00025 # CoordSystem(JogMoveCsy)"IPP_END_STRING);
00241     recheck_with_parser(r,/*should_fail =*/true);
00242   }
00243   {
00244     ippGetCoordSystemResponse r(25,SensorCsy);
00245     std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00246     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,"00025 # CoordSystem(SensorCsy)"IPP_END_STRING);
00247     recheck_with_parser(r,/*should_fail =*/true);
00248   }
00251 }
00253 void ippResponseTestCase::testGetCsyTransformationResponse()
00254 {
00255   ippMemoryLeakDetector _leakDetector;
00257   ippGetCsyTransformationResponse r(25, 10.,20.,30., 45.,60.,90.);
00258   std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00259   IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,"00025 # GetCsyTransformation(10., 20., 30., 45., 60., 90.)"IPP_END_STRING);
00260   recheck_with_parser(r);
00262 }
00263 void ippResponseTestCase::testGetDMEVersionResponse()
00264 {
00265   ippMemoryLeakDetector _leakDetector;
00267   ippGetDMEVersionResponse r(25,"1.4.0");
00268   std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00269   const std::string expected_String="00025 # DMEVersion(\"1.4.0\")"IPP_END_STRING;
00270   IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,expected_String);
00271     recheck_with_parser(r);
00274 }
00276 void ippResponseTestCase::testGetErrStatusEResponse()
00277 {
00278   ippMemoryLeakDetector _leakDetector;
00279   {
00280     ippGetErrStatusEResponse r(25,true);
00281     std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00282     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,"E0025 # ErrStatus(1)"IPP_END_STRING);
00283     recheck_with_parser(r);
00284   }
00285   {
00286     ippGetErrStatusEResponse r(25,false);
00287     std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00288     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,"E0025 # ErrStatus(0)"IPP_END_STRING);
00289     recheck_with_parser(r);
00290   }
00291 }
00292 void ippResponseTestCase::testGetMachineClassResponse()
00293 {
00294   ippMemoryLeakDetector _leakDetector;
00295   {
00296     ippGetMachineClassResponse r(25,CartCMMWithRotaryTable);
00297     std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00298     const std::string expected_String="00025 # GetMachineClass(CartCMMWithRotaryTable)"IPP_END_STRING;
00299     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,expected_String);
00300     recheck_with_parser(r);
00301   }
00302   {
00303     ippGetMachineClassResponse r(25,CartCMM);
00304     std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00305     const std::string expected_String="00025 # GetMachineClass(CartCMM)"IPP_END_STRING;
00306     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,expected_String);
00307     recheck_with_parser(r);
00308   }
00310 }
00312 void ippResponseTestCase::testGetPropResponse()
00313 {
00314   ippMemoryLeakDetector _leakDetector;
00315   {
00316     const int N_PROP = 1;
00317     ippGetPropResponse r(25,CommandTag);
00318     r.append(new ippOnePropertyNumber(ippProp(Tool,GoToPar,Accel), 12.5));
00320     std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00321     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,"00025 # Tool.GoToPar.Accel(12.5)"IPP_END_STRING);
00322     recheck_with_parser(r);
00323     }
00324   {
00325     ippGetPropResponse r(25,CommandTag);
00326     r.append(new ippOnePropertyNumber(ippProp(Tool,GoToPar,Speed), 1.5));
00327     r.append(new ippOnePropertyNumber(ippProp(Tool,GoToPar,Speed), 120.5));
00328     r.append(new ippOnePropertyNumber(ippProp(FoundTool,GoToPar,Speed,Min),12.5));
00330     std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00331     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,"00025 # Tool.GoToPar.Speed(1.5), Tool.GoToPar.Speed(120.5), FoundTool.GoToPar.Speed.Min(12.5)"IPP_END_STRING);
00332     recheck_with_parser(r);
00333   }
00334   {
00335     ippGetPropResponse r(25,CommandTag);
00336     r.append(new ippOnePropertyNumber(ippProp(Part,Temperature),12.5));
00337     std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00338     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,"00025 # Part.Temperature(12.5)"IPP_END_STRING);
00339     recheck_with_parser(r);
00340   }
00341 }
00342 void ippResponseTestCase::testGoToEResponse()
00343 {
00344   ippMemoryLeakDetector _leakDetector;
00346   /* bool inHasER, bool inHasIJK, bool inHasR,
00347                 bool inHasToolA, bool inHasToolB, bool inHasToolC,
00348                 bool inHasX, bool inHasY, bool inHasZ, double inTheER,
00349                 double inR, double inToolA, double inToolB, double inToolC,
00350                 double inX, double inY, double inZ):
00351   */
00352   {
00353     ippGoToEResponse r(
00354          true/*ER*/,false/*IJK*/,false/*hasR*/,
00355          false/*toolA*/,false/*toolB*/,false/*toolC*/,
00356          false/*hasX*/,false/*hasY*/,false/*hasZ*/,
00357             10.0,1.0,15.0,45.0,0.0,11.,12.,13.0);
00358     std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00359     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,"E0000 # GoTo(ER(10.))"IPP_END_STRING);
00360     recheck_with_parser(r);
00361   }
00362   {
00363     ippGoToEResponse r(
00364          true/*ER*/,false/*IJK*/,false/*hasR*/,
00365          true/*toolA*/,false/*toolB*/,false/*toolC*/,
00366          false/*hasX*/,false/*hasY*/,false/*hasZ*/,
00367             10.0,1.0,15.0,45.0,0.0,11.,12.,13.0);
00368     std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00369     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,"E0000 # GoTo(ER(10.), Tool.A(15.))"IPP_END_STRING);
00370     recheck_with_parser(r);
00371   }
00372   {
00373     ippGoToEResponse r(
00374          true/*ER*/,false/*IJK*/,false/*hasR*/,
00375          true/*toolA*/,true/*toolB*/,false/*toolC*/,
00376          false/*hasX*/,false/*hasY*/,false/*hasZ*/,
00377             10.0,1.0,15.0,45.0,0.0,11.,12.,13.0);
00378     std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00379     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,"E0000 # GoTo(ER(10.), Tool.A(15.), Tool.B(45.))"IPP_END_STRING);
00380     recheck_with_parser(r);
00381   }
00382   {
00383     ippGoToEResponse r(
00384          false/*ER*/,false/*IJK*/,false/*hasR*/,
00385          false/*toolA*/,false/*toolB*/,false/*toolC*/,
00386          true/*hasX*/,true/*hasY*/,true/*hasZ*/,
00387             10.0,1.0,15.0,45.0,0.0,11.,12.,13.0);
00388     std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00389     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,"E0000 # GoTo(X(11.), Y(12.), Z(13.))"IPP_END_STRING);
00390     recheck_with_parser(r);
00391   }
00392 }
00394 void ippResponseTestCase::testIsHomedResponse()
00395 {
00396   ippMemoryLeakDetector _leakDetector;
00398   {
00399     ippIsHomedResponse r(25,true);
00400     std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00401     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,"00025 # IsHomed(1)"IPP_END_STRING);
00402     recheck_with_parser(r);
00403   }
00404   {
00405     ippIsHomedResponse r(25,false);
00406     std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00407     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,"00025 # IsHomed(0)"IPP_END_STRING);
00408     recheck_with_parser(r);
00409   }
00410 }
00411 void ippResponseTestCase::testIsUserEnabledResponse()
00412 {
00413   ippMemoryLeakDetector _leakDetector;
00415   {
00416     ippIsUserEnabledResponse r(25,true);
00417     std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00418     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,"00025 # IsUserEnabled(1)"IPP_END_STRING);
00419     recheck_with_parser(r);
00420   }
00421   {
00422     ippIsUserEnabledResponse r(25,false);
00423     std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00424     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,"00025 # IsUserEnabled(0)"IPP_END_STRING);
00425     recheck_with_parser(r);
00426   }
00427 }
00429 void ippResponseTestCase::testKeyPressEResponse()
00430 {
00431   ippMemoryLeakDetector _leakDetector;
00433   {
00434     ippKeyPressEResponse r("A");
00435     std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00436     const std::string expected_String="E0000 # KeyPress(\"A\")"IPP_END_STRING;
00437     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,expected_String);
00438     recheck_with_parser(r);
00439   }
00440   {
00441     ippKeyPressEResponse r("F2");
00442     std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00443     const std::string expected_String="E0000 # KeyPress(\"F2\")"IPP_END_STRING;
00444     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,expected_String);
00445     recheck_with_parser(r);
00446   }
00447 }
00448 void ippResponseTestCase::testOnMoveReportEResponse()
00449 {
00450   ippMemoryLeakDetector _leakDetector;
00452   {
00453     ippOnMoveReportEResponse r(25);
00454     r.setHasX(true);r.setX(10.0);
00455     r.setHasZ(true);r.setZ(13.0);
00457     std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00458     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,"E0025 # X(10.), Z(13.)"IPP_END_STRING);
00459     recheck_with_parser(r);
00460   }
00461   {
00462     ippOnMoveReportEResponse r(25);
00463     r.setHasX(true);r.setX(10.0);
00464     r.setHasZ(true);r.setZ(13.0);
00465     r.setHasToolA(true);r.setToolA(35.0);
00466     r.setHasToolB(true);r.setToolB(45.0);
00468     std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00469     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,"E0025 # X(10.), Z(13.), Tool.A(35.), Tool.B(45.)"IPP_END_STRING);
00470     recheck_with_parser(r);
00471   }
00472 }
00475 // ippPtMeasEResponse
00476 void ippResponseTestCase::testPtMeasEResponse()
00477 {
00478   ippMemoryLeakDetector _leakDetector;
00480   ippPtMeasEResponse r;
00481   r.setHasX(true);r.setX(10.0);
00482   r.setHasZ(true);r.setZ(13.0);
00483   r.setHasIJK(true);r.setIJK(1.,0.,0.0);
00485   std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00486   IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,"E0000 # PtMeas(IJK(1., 0., 0.), X(10.), Z(13.))"IPP_END_STRING);
00487   recheck_with_parser(r);
00489 }
00490 // ippPtMeasOrGetResponse
00491 void ippResponseTestCase::testPtMeasOrGetResponse()
00492 {
00493   ippMemoryLeakDetector _leakDetector;
00495   {
00496     ippPtMeasOrGetResponse r(25);
00497     r.setHasX(true);r.setX(10.0);
00498     r.setHasZ(true);r.setZ(13.0);
00499     r.setHasIJK(true);r.setIJK(1.,0.,0.0);
00500     r.setHasER(true);r.setER(1.0);
00501     std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00502     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,"00025 # IJK(1., 0., 0.), ER(1.), X(10.), Z(13.)"IPP_END_STRING);
00503     recheck_with_parser(r);
00504   }
00505   {
00506     ippPtMeasOrGetResponse r(25);
00507     r.setHasQ(true);r.setQ(100.0);
00508     r.setHasIJK(true);r.setIJK(1.,0.,0.0);
00509     r.setHasER(true);r.setER(1.0);
00510     r.setHasIJKAct(true);r.setIJKAct(1);
00511     std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00512     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,"00025 # IJK(1., 0., 0.), IJKAct(1), ER(1.), Q(100.)"IPP_END_STRING);
00513     recheck_with_parser(r);
00514   }
00516 }
00517 // ippScanResponse
00518 void ippResponseTestCase::testScanResponse()
00519 {
00520   ippMemoryLeakDetector _leakDetector;
00522   ippScanResponse r(25);
00523   double d[] ={ 1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,6.,7.};
00524   r.setData(sizeof(d)/sizeof(d[0]),d);
00526   std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00528   IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,"00025 # 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7."IPP_END_STRING);
00529   recheck_with_parser(r);
00530 }
00531 // ippSetPropEResponse
00532 void ippResponseTestCase::testSetPropEResponse()
00533 {
00534   ippMemoryLeakDetector _leakDetector;
00536   ippSetPropEResponse r;
00537   r.addPropValue(ippProp(FoundTool,PtMeasPar,Speed,Actual),1.0);
00539   std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00540   IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,"E0000 # SetProp(FoundTool.PtMeasPar.Speed.Act(1.))"IPP_END_STRING);
00541   recheck_with_parser(r);
00543 }
00544 void ippResponseTestCase::testSetPropEResponseMulti()
00545 {
00546   ippMemoryLeakDetector _leakDetector;
00548   ippSetPropEResponse r;
00549   r.addPropValue(ippProp(FoundTool,PtMeasPar,Speed,Actual),1.0);
00550   // illegal use Get: r.addPropValue(ippProp(Tool,_A),45.0);
00551   r.addPropValue(ippProp(FoundTool,GoToPar,Speed),10.0);
00553   std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00554   IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,"E0000 # SetProp(FoundTool.PtMeasPar.Speed.Act(1.), FoundTool.GoToPar.Speed(10.))"IPP_END_STRING);
00555   recheck_with_parser(r);
00557 }
00558 // ippStringResponse
00559 void ippResponseTestCase::testStringResponse()
00560 { 
00561   ippMemoryLeakDetector _leakDetector;
00563   ippStringResponse r(25,"SomeString");
00564   std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00565   const std::string expected_String="00025 # \"SomeString\""IPP_END_STRING;
00566   IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,expected_String);
00567   recheck_with_parser(r);
00568 }
00569 // ippTiltCenterPartResponse
00570 void ippResponseTestCase::testTiltCenterPartResponse()
00571 {
00572   ippMemoryLeakDetector _leakDetector;
00574   {
00575     ippTiltCenterPartResponse r(25,true);
00576     std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00577     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,"00025 # TiltCenterPart(1)"IPP_END_STRING);
00578     recheck_with_parser(r);
00579   }
00580   {
00581     ippTiltCenterPartResponse r(25,false);
00582     std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00583     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,"00025 # TiltCenterPart(0)"IPP_END_STRING);
00584     recheck_with_parser(r);
00585   }
00586 }
00588 // ippTiltPartResponse
00589 void ippResponseTestCase::testTiltPartResponse()
00590 {
00591   ippMemoryLeakDetector _leakDetector;
00593   {
00594     ippTiltPartResponse r(25,true);
00595     std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00596     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,"00025 # TiltPart(1)"IPP_END_STRING);
00597     recheck_with_parser(r);
00598   }
00599   {
00600     ippTiltPartResponse r(25,false);
00601     std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00602     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,"00025 # TiltPart(0)"IPP_END_STRING);
00603     recheck_with_parser(r);
00604   }
00606 }
00608 void ippResponseTestCase::testToolAlignmentResponse()
00609 {
00610   ippMemoryLeakDetector _leakDetector;
00611   {
00612     // check the answer provided in response to a
00613     // GetProp(Tool.Alignment()) command
00614     ippGetPropResponse r(25,CommandTag);
00615     r.append(new ippOnePropertyAlignment(Tool,1.,2.0,3.0));
00616     std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00617     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,"00025 # Tool.Alignment(1., 2., 3.)"IPP_END_STRING);
00618     recheck_with_parser(r);
00619   }
00620   {
00621     // check the answer provided in response to a
00622     // GetProp(Tool.Alignment()) command with variation 2
00623     ippGetPropResponse r(25,CommandTag);
00624     r.append(new ippOnePropertyAlignment(Tool,1.,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0,6.0));
00625     std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00626     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,"00025 # Tool.Alignment(1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6.)"IPP_END_STRING);
00627     recheck_with_parser(r);
00628   }
00629   {
00630     // check the answer provided in response to a
00631     // GetProp(FoundTool.Alignment()) command
00632     // NOTE : THE STANDARD is not clear whether the return string should be FoundTool.Alignment 
00633     //        or Tool.Alignment as well.The assumption is made that FoundTool should be returned
00634     ippGetPropResponse r(25,CommandTag);
00635     r.append(new ippOnePropertyAlignment(FoundTool,1.,2.0,3.0));
00636     std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00637     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,"00025 # FoundTool.Alignment(1., 2., 3.)"IPP_END_STRING);
00638     recheck_with_parser(r);
00639   }
00640   {
00641     // check the answer provided in response to a
00642     // GetProp(Tool.Alignment()) command
00643     // NOTE : THE STANDARD is not clear whether the return string should be FoundTool.Alignment 
00644     //        or Tool.Alignment as well.
00645     ippGetPropResponse r(25,CommandTag);
00646     r.append(new ippOnePropertyAlignment(FoundTool,1.,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0,6.0));
00647     std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00648     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,"00025 # FoundTool.Alignment(1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6.)"IPP_END_STRING);
00649     recheck_with_parser(r);
00650   }
00651 }
00653 void ippResponseTestCase::testToolAlignmentVolumeResponse()
00654 {
00655   ippMemoryLeakDetector _leakDetector;
00656   {
00657     // check the answer provided in response to a
00658     // GetProp(Tool.AlignmentVolume()) command
00659     ippGetPropResponse r(25,CommandTag);
00660     r.append(new ippOnePropertyAlignmentVolume(Tool,1.,2.0,3.0,4.0));
00661     std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00662     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,"00025 # Tool.AlignmentVolume(SPH, 1., 2., 3., 4.)"IPP_END_STRING);
00663     recheck_with_parser(r);
00664   }
00665   {
00666     // check the answer provided in response to a
00667     // GetProp(FoundTool.AlignmentVolume()) command
00668     // NOTE : THE STANDARD is not clear whether the return string should be FoundTool.Alignment 
00669     //        or Tool.Alignment as well.The assumption is made that FoundTool should be returned
00670     ippGetPropResponse r(25,CommandTag);
00671     r.append(new ippOnePropertyAlignmentVolume(FoundTool,1.,2.0,3.0,4.0));
00672     std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00673     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,"00025 # FoundTool.AlignmentVolume(SPH, 1., 2., 3., 4.)"IPP_END_STRING);
00674     recheck_with_parser(r);
00675   }
00677 }
00678 void ippResponseTestCase::testToolIdResponse()
00679 {
00680  ippMemoryLeakDetector _leakDetector;
00681   {
00682     // check the answer provided in response to a
00683     // GetProp(Tool.Id()) command
00684     ippGetPropResponse r(25,CommandTag);
00685     r.append(new ippOnePropertyId(Tool,"<somexml/>"));
00686     std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00687      const std::string expected_String="00025 # Tool.Id(\"<somexml/>\")"IPP_END_STRING;
00688     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,expected_String);
00689     recheck_with_parser(r);
00690   }
00691   {
00692     // since 1.41 see 6.3.11
00694     // check the answer provided in response to a
00695     // GetProp(FoundTool.Id()) command
00696     ippGetPropResponse r(25,CommandTag);
00697     r.append(new ippOnePropertyId(FoundTool,"<somexml/>"));
00698     std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00699     const std::string expected_String="00025 # FoundTool.Id(\"<somexml/>\")"IPP_END_STRING;
00700     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,expected_String);
00701     recheck_with_parser(r);
00702   }
00703 }
00704 void ippResponseTestCase::testToolNameResponse()
00705 {
00706  ippMemoryLeakDetector _leakDetector;
00707   {
00708     // check the answer provided in response to a
00709     // GetProp(Tool.Name()) command
00710     ippGetPropResponse r(25,CommandTag);
00711     r.append(new ippOnePropertyName(Tool,"blah"));
00712     std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00713     const std::string expected_String="00025 # Tool.Name(\"blah\")"IPP_END_STRING;
00714     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,expected_String);
00715     recheck_with_parser(r);
00716   }
00717   { 
00718     // since 1.41 see 6.3.10
00720     // check the answer provided in response to a
00721     // GetProp(FoundTool.Name()) command
00722     ippGetPropResponse r(25,CommandTag);
00723     r.append(new ippOnePropertyName(FoundTool,"blah"));
00724     std::string t = r.getResponseString();
00725     const std::string expected_String="00025 # FoundTool.Name(\"blah\")"IPP_END_STRING;
00726     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(t,expected_String);
00727     recheck_with_parser(r);
00728   }
00729 }
00731 #include "ippdme/misc/ippPropDefinition.h"
00732 void ippResponseTestCase::testfindPropertyDefinition()
00733 {
00734   const ippPropDefinition* d1 =  findPropertyDefinition( ippProp(FoundTool));
00735   IPP_UTEST_ASSERT(d1 && d1->_keyword == FoundTool);
00736   const ippPropDefinition* d2 =  findPropertyDefinition( ippProp(Tool));
00737   IPP_UTEST_ASSERT(d2 && d2->_keyword == Tool);
00738   const ippPropDefinition* d3 =  findPropertyDefinition( ippProp(Part));
00739   IPP_UTEST_ASSERT(d3 && d3->_keyword == Part);
00740   const ippPropDefinition* d4 =  findPropertyDefinition( ippProp(FoundTool,Id));
00741   IPP_UTEST_ASSERT(d4 && d4->_keyword == Id);
00742   const ippPropDefinition* d5 =  findPropertyDefinition( ippProp(Tool,PtMeasPar));
00743   IPP_UTEST_ASSERT(d5 && d5->_keyword == PtMeasPar);
00744   const ippPropDefinition* d6 =  findPropertyDefinition( ippProp(Part,Temperature));
00745   IPP_UTEST_ASSERT(d6 && d6->_keyword == Temperature);
00747 }
00749 #include "ippdme/Command/ippEnumAllPropCommand.h"
00750 void ippResponseTestCase::testGenerateEnumAllPropResponses()
00751 {
00752   {
00753     ippEnumAllPropCommandConstPtr cmd = new ippEnumAllPropCommand(25,ippProp(FoundTool,PtMeasPar));
00754     ippResponseList  list;
00755     GenerateEnumAllPropResponses(cmd,list);
00756     if (0) {
00757       std::cout << " command : " << cmd->getCommandString() << std::endl;
00758       for (ippResponseList::iterator p = list.begin();p!=list.end();p++)  {
00759         std::cout << " " << (*p)->getResponseString() << std::endl;    
00760       }
00761     }
00763     std::string t [] ={ 
00764       "00025 # \"Speed\", \"Property\"\r\n",
00765       "00025 # \"Speed\", \"Number\"\r\n",
00766       "00025 # \"Speed.Act\", \"Number\"\r\n",
00767       "00025 # \"Speed.Def\", \"Number\"\r\n",
00768       "00025 # \"Speed.Max\", \"Number\"\r\n",
00769       "00025 # \"Speed.Min\", \"Number\"\r\n",
00770       "00025 # \"Accel\", \"Property\"\r\n",
00771       "00025 # \"Accel\", \"Number\"\r\n",
00772       "00025 # \"Accel.Act\", \"Number\"\r\n",
00773       "00025 # \"Accel.Def\", \"Number\"\r\n",
00774       "00025 # \"Accel.Max\", \"Number\"\r\n",
00775       "00025 # \"Accel.Min\", \"Number\"\r\n",
00776       "00025 # \"Approach\", \"Property\"\r\n",
00777       "00025 # \"Approach\", \"Number\"\r\n",
00778       "00025 # \"Approach.Act\", \"Number\"\r\n",
00779       "00025 # \"Approach.Def\", \"Number\"\r\n",
00780       "00025 # \"Approach.Max\", \"Number\"\r\n",
00781       "00025 # \"Approach.Min\", \"Number\"\r\n",
00782       "00025 # \"Retract\", \"Property\"\r\n",
00783       "00025 # \"Retract\", \"Number\"\r\n",
00784       "00025 # \"Retract.Act\", \"Number\"\r\n",
00785       "00025 # \"Retract.Def\", \"Number\"\r\n",
00786       "00025 # \"Retract.Max\", \"Number\"\r\n",
00787       "00025 # \"Retract.Min\", \"Number\"\r\n",
00788       "00025 # \"Search\", \"Property\"\r\n",
00789       "00025 # \"Search\", \"Number\"\r\n",
00790       "00025 # \"Search.Act\", \"Number\"\r\n",
00791       "00025 # \"Search.Def\", \"Number\"\r\n",
00792       "00025 # \"Search.Max\", \"Number\"\r\n",
00793       "00025 # \"Search.Min\", \"Number\"\r\n",
00794     };
00795     {
00796       size_t nb = sizeof(t)/sizeof(t[0]);
00797       IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(list.size(),nb);
00798       for (size_t i=0;i<std::min(nb,list.size());i++)  {
00799         IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(list[i]->getResponseString(),t[i]);
00800       }
00801     }
00805   }
00806   {
00807     ippEnumAllPropCommandConstPtr cmd = new ippEnumAllPropCommand(25,ippProp(FoundTool));
00808     ippResponseList  list;
00809     GenerateEnumAllPropResponses(cmd,list); 
00810     if (0) {
00811       std::cout << " command : " << cmd->getCommandString() << std::endl;
00812       for (ippResponseList::iterator p = list.begin();p!=list.end();p++)  {
00813          std::cout << " " << (*p)->getResponseString() << std::endl;    
00814       }
00815     }
00816     // Note this test will enumerate special tool properties such as
00817     //  
00818     // 00025 # "Alignment", "Number"
00819     // 00025 # "AlignmentVolume", "Number"
00820     // 00025 # "AvrRadius", "Number"
00821     // 00025 # "Name", "Number"
00822     // 00025 # "CollisionVolume", "Number"
00823     // 00025 # "Id", "String"
00824     // 00025 # "Collection", "Number"
00825     // 00025 # "GoToPar", "Property"
00826     // etc...
00827     // However the I++ standard do not specify if this is valid or not
00828     // also what should be the second string returned for Alignment ?
00829     // AlignmentVolume ? CollisionVolume ? Id ?
00830     // 
00831     // (Etienne) 
00833   }
00834   {
00835     ippEnumAllPropCommandConstPtr cmd = new ippEnumAllPropCommand(25,ippProp(Tool,ScanPar));
00836     ippResponseList  list;
00837     GenerateEnumAllPropResponses(cmd,list); 
00838     if (0) {
00839       std::cout << " command : " << cmd->getCommandString() << std::endl;
00840       for (ippResponseList::iterator p = list.begin();p!=list.end();p++)  {
00841         std::cout << " " << (*p)->getResponseString() << std::endl;    
00842       }
00843     }
00844   }
00845   {
00846     ippEnumAllPropCommandConstPtr cmd = new ippEnumAllPropCommand(25,ippProp(Part));
00847     ippResponseList  list;
00848     GenerateEnumAllPropResponses(cmd,list); 
00849     if (0) {
00850       std::cout << " command : " << cmd->getCommandString() << std::endl;
00851       for (ippResponseList::iterator p = list.begin();p!=list.end();p++)  {
00852         std::cout << " " << (*p)->getResponseString() << std::endl;    
00853       }
00854     }
00855     std::string t [] ={ 
00856       "00025 # \"Temperature\", \"Number\"\r\n",
00857       "00025 # \"XPanCoefficient\", \"Number\"\r\n",
00858       "00025 # \"Approach\", \"Property\"\r\n",
00859       "00025 # \"Approach\", \"Number\"\r\n",
00860       "00025 # \"Approach.Act\", \"Number\"\r\n",
00861       "00025 # \"Approach.Def\", \"Number\"\r\n",
00862       "00025 # \"Approach.Max\", \"Number\"\r\n",
00863       "00025 # \"Approach.Min\", \"Number\"\r\n",
00864       "00025 # \"Search\", \"Property\"\r\n",
00865       "00025 # \"Search\", \"Number\"\r\n",
00866       "00025 # \"Search.Act\", \"Number\"\r\n",
00867       "00025 # \"Search.Def\", \"Number\"\r\n",
00868       "00025 # \"Search.Max\", \"Number\"\r\n",
00869       "00025 # \"Search.Min\", \"Number\"\r\n",
00870     };
00871     {
00872       size_t nb = sizeof(t)/sizeof(t[0]);
00873       IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(list.size(),nb);
00874       for (size_t i=0;i<std::min(nb,list.size());i++)  {
00875         IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(list[i]->getResponseString(),t[i]);
00876       }
00877     }
00880   }
00881 }
00882 #include "ippdme/Command/ippEnumPropCommand.h"
00883 void ippResponseTestCase::testGenerateEnumPropResponses()
00884 {
00885   {
00886     ippEnumPropCommandConstPtr cmd = new ippEnumPropCommand(25,ippProp(FoundTool,PtMeasPar));
00887     ippResponseList  list;
00888     GenerateEnumPropResponses(cmd,list);
00889     if (0) {
00890       std::cout << " command : " << cmd->getCommandString() << std::endl;
00891       for (ippResponseList::iterator p = list.begin();p!=list.end();p++)  {
00892          std::cout << " " << (*p)->getResponseString() << std::endl;    
00893       }
00894     }
00895     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(list.size(),10U);
00896     const std::string t1 = "00025 # \"Speed\", \"Property\"\r\n";
00897     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(>getResponseString(),t1);
00898     const std::string t2 = "00025 # \"Speed\", \"Number\"\r\n";
00899     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(>getResponseString(),t2);
00900     const std::string t3 = "00025 # \"Accel\", \"Property\"\r\n";
00901     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(>getResponseString(),t3);
00902     const std::string t4 = "00025 # \"Accel\", \"Number\"\r\n";
00903     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(>getResponseString(),t4);
00904     const std::string t5 = "00025 # \"Approach\", \"Property\"\r\n";
00905     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(>getResponseString(),t5);
00906     const std::string t6 = "00025 # \"Approach\", \"Number\"\r\n";
00907     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(>getResponseString(),t6);
00908     const std::string t7 = "00025 # \"Retract\", \"Property\"\r\n";
00909     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(>getResponseString(),t7);
00910     const std::string t8 = "00025 # \"Retract\", \"Number\"\r\n";
00911     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(>getResponseString(),t8);
00912     const std::string t9 = "00025 # \"Search\", \"Property\"\r\n";
00913     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(>getResponseString(),t9);
00914     const std::string t10 = "00025 # \"Search\", \"Number\"\r\n";
00915     IPP_UTEST_ASSERT_EQUALS(>getResponseString(),t10);
00917   }
00918 }

Generated on Wed Nov 8 00:20:08 2006 for IPPDME by  doxygen 1.4.1