derive ippResponse objects from ippObject and create smart pointer class
reformat code according to the standard
Create string builder class
make all getCommandStringT virtual
getCommandStringT(ippStringBuilder& );
avoid usage of sprintf
improve internal code documentation in conformity with DOXYGEN
Include more test for automatic testig
Section number in I++ DME Spec 1.5 Updated items from 1.4 to 1.5 that may affect the test suite Affect on cmd/resp code
- 1.4.1 improvements
- (???) 1.6 Priorize optical sensors before camshafts and crankshafts
- (???) 5.3 Full object model, Speed.Max… property handling…
- (???) 5.6 DME
- (noaction) 5.9 ToolChanger, improve picture for property handling
- (???) Syntax, define “)” without following {s}
- (???)6.2.5 Execute GetErrStatusE and GetXtdErrStatus when in error state
- (OK in old test suite)6.3.1 Error message “0008, Protocol error” defined
- (???) Describing behavior after StartSession better
- (???) Error message included
- (???) Info for additional properties
- (???) Work out handling of Speed.Max…
- (???) “
- (???) Define EnumProp(), EnumAllProp() better
- (???) Describe implicit DisableUser()
- (ipptestsuite#14) Q also possible in OnPtMeasReport()
- (ipptestsuite#15) Return data changed from string to enumeration
- (???) Improve description of predefined tools
- (???) Defining the usage of Q more precisely
- (???) Defining the usage of ER more precisely
- (OK in old test suite) IJK also for OnScanReport()
- (???)6.3.6 Warning 0504 also for GoToPar Block
- (???)6.3.6 Additional info about sub properties
- (???)6.3.7 “
- (OK in old test suite)6.3.10 Query Name also of FoundTool
- (OK in old test suite)6.3.11 Query Id also of FoundTool
- (OK in old test suite)7.5 PtMeas without R()
- (ipptestsuite#20) 8.1 Additional information about severity classification and error strings. Error messages 1010, 1011 added
- (OK in old test suite)9.5.4 ChangeTool initiative by the server
- (OK in old test suite)9.5.5 SetProp initiative by the server
- (OK in old test suite)13.2 Return data named TiltPart
- (OK in old test suite)13.3 Return data named TiltCenterPart
- (ipptestsuite#16) 13.4 LockAxis improved
- (ipptestsuite#17) 13.5 LockPosition added
- 1.4.2 improvements
- (???) StartSession(), handling of properties included
- (???) AbortE(), describe no effect on daemons
- (ipptestsuite#18) 6.3.14 Tool property AvrRadius included
- (ipptestsuite#19) 6.3.15 Tool property AlignmentVolume included
- 1.4.3 improvements
- (???) Additional description of the Euler angles for rotation
- (ipptestsuite#21) ScanPar
- (ipptestsuite#21) 6.3.16 ScanParBlock
- (ipptestsuite#12) 11.2.6 ScanOnCurveDensity, Scanning according nominal data
- (ipptestsuite#12) 11.2.7 ScanOnCurve, Scanning according nominal data, by Fred
- (no action) 11.2.8 ScanOnCurve Example
- (ipptestsuite#22) ScanUnknownDensity, control point reduction in ScanUnknownContour
- (ipptestsuite#23) 11.3.2 ScanInPlaneEndIsSphere, Index added for nth reaching of the stop sphere
- (ipptestsuite#24) 11.3.2-4 Important Change: ScanInPlanEndIsXXX scanning plane definition by additional vector
- (ipptestsuite#25) 11.3.5 ScanInCylEndIsSphere, Index added for nth reaching of the stop sphere
- 1.5 improvements
- (ipptestsuite#6) : ToolCollection handling
- (ipptestsuite#7) : IJKAct as reporting parameter
- (ipptestsuite#8) : PtMeasSelfCenter new
- (ipptestsuite#9) : PtMeasSelfCenterLocked new
- (ipptestsuite#26): 6.3.11 Definition of Tools Type ID
- (ipptestsuite#27): 6.3.12-15 Tool Properties CollisionVolume, Alignment, AvrRadius, AlignmentVolume also for FoundTool
- (ipptestsuite#10): : Work piece coordinate system handling
- (ipptestsuite#11): : CsyTransformation commands
- (ipptestsuite#28): 6.3.17 Property ToolCollection of Tool
- (ipptestsuite#29): 6.4.1-4 Part.Temperature and Part.XPanCoefficient handling
- (noaction) 7.9-12 Description and examples for ToolCollection handling
- (ipptestsuite#30) 8.2 Error 1013, Coordinate system not found
- (ipptestsuite#31) 8.2 Error 1504, Collection not found
- (ipptestsuite#32) 9.5.7 ToolCollection change event
- (noaction) 11.2.6 Description improved
- (ipptestsuite#13) : 11.2.9 : ScanOnHelix new
- (noaction) Description improved
- (???)11.3.2,11.3.5 ScanInXXXEndIsSphere, added numbers of through the stop sphere
- (noaction)11.3.3,11.3.6 ScanInXXXEndIsPlane, retract according measured surface possible
- (noaction)11.3.5,11.3.6 ScanInCylEndIsXXX, better picture
- Appendix C XMLSchema definition for Tool.Id()
getCommandStringT method that uses printLikeGet command truncates the output.
TiltCenterPart Response string has a missing keyword.
Generated on Wed Nov 8 00:21:26 2006 for IPPDME by